
The following tables exist in ChurchCRM:

  • autopayment_aut - this contains information for automatic electronic donations or payments for events
  • canvassdata_can - this contains information about the results of canvassing families
  • deposit_dep - this records deposits / payments
  • donationfund_fun - this contains the defined donation funds
  • event_attend - this indicates which people attended which events
  • family_fam - this contains the main family data, including family name, family addresses, and family phone numbers
  • group_grp - this contains the name and description for each group, as well as foreign keys to the list of group roles
  • groupprop_master - this contains definitions for the group-specific fields
  • list_lst - this table stores the options for most of the drop down lists in churchCRM, including person classifications, family roles, group types, group roles, group-specific property types, and custom field value lists.
  • note_nte - contains all person and family notes, including the date, time, and person who entered the note
  • person2group2role_p2g2r - this table stores the information of which people are in which groups, and what group role each person holds in that group
  • person2volunteeropp_p2vo - this table indicates which people are tied to which volunteer opportunities
  • person_custom - ??
  • person_custom_master - this contains definitions for the custom person fields
  • person_per - this contains the main person data, including person names, person addresses, person phone numbers, and foreign keys to the family table
  • pledge_plg - this contains all pledge information
  • property_pro - this contains the definition of all person, family, and group properties
  • property_prt - this contains all the defined property types
  • query_qry - this contains all the predefined queries that appear in the queries page
  • queryparameteroptions_qpo - defines the values for the parameters for each query
  • queryparameters_qrp - defines the parameters for each query
  • record2property_r2p - this table indicates which persons, families, or groups are assigned specific properties and what the values of those properties are.
  • result_res - contains the results of authorizations from electronic payments
  • user_usr - this contains the login information and specific settings for each ChurchCRM user
  • volunteeropportunity_vol - this contains the names and descriptions of volunteer opportunities
  • whycame_why - this contains the comments related to why people came