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The system uses gettext for localization

checkout http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/

System locale

  1. Ensure System has correct locals sudo locale-gen es_ES

    The hosting system must have the correct locale as gettext depends on system libs for localization - see http://www.shellhacks.com/en/HowTo-Change-Locale-Language-and-Character-Set-in-Linux

  2. Visit System Settings

  3. Select Localization tab
  4. Change sLanguage to one of the available languages in the drop down.

Generate new message.po file

  • ssh into vagrant box
  • cd /vagrant/src
  • Run '$ xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 -o locale/messages.po .php email/.php Include/.php Reports/.php sundayschool/*.php'
  • Review changes in /vagrant/src/locale/messages.po
  • Commit messages.po